Elsabe Smit

There comes a time when we have to let go of our children and trust that they will make the decisions that are best for them.

Direct download: How_Do_I_Save_My_Daughters_Marriage.mp3
Category:Parenting -- posted at: 2:04pm UTC

Our parents are our greatest teachers in ways that we often fail to understand.

Direct download: I_might_as_well_have_no_parents.mp3
Category:Parenting -- posted at: 1:29pm UTC

A broken heart needs to heal, and there are many ways to deal with it.

Direct download: My_Dad_Freaks_Me_Out.mp3
Category:Parenting -- posted at: 4:42pm UTC

Translating glossy company values into real-life actions is a full-time job.

Direct download: 34_Living_Your_Company_Values.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 3:13pm UTC

Getting a sibling when you are already an adult requires you to re-think and adjust to many things.

Direct download: Too_Many_Babies_And_A_Teenager.mp3
Category:Parenting -- posted at: 1:55pm UTC

Your first decision is always the best one.   Let your body help you  decide.

Direct download: How_To_Make_Intuitive_Decisions.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 3:04pm UTC

Children are entitled to live their own lives.  Parents should not deny their children the freedom to become adults.

Direct download: How_Do_I_Escape_From_My_Mother.mp3
Category:Parenting -- posted at: 11:57am UTC