Elsabe Smit

Will you join a cult when you choose a spiritual path? Find out for yourself.

Find out more about my audio/video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8

#is spirituality a cult

Direct download: Ia_spirituality_a_cult.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:26am UTC

That depends on how you choose to define life. Are you referring to this existence which is temporary, or to the life that never stops, of which this existence is a tiny part?

Find out more about my audio/video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8

#islifeeternal #iseternallifepossible

Direct download: Is_life_eternal.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:11am UTC

The question is: if you believe spiritual awakening is evil, why do you believe that?

Find out more about my audio/video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8

is spirituality evil, is spiritual awakening evil,

Direct download: spiritual_awakening_evil.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:09am UTC

Are we talking about "mind, body, soul" or "mind, body, spirit"? Do y know the difference?

Find out more about my audio/video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8

#subconsciousmind #lovingkindness #mindfull #creativemind #healthymind #habitsofmind #bemindful #strongmind #peacefulmind #yourmind #mindspace #onemind #bodymindsoul #relaxyourmind #beingmindful #peacefulmindpeacefullife #thevoid #enterthevoid #bodyscanmindfulness #subconscious #mindfuleducation #highermind #mindfulnessis #busymind #mindfulnessbenefit #dobemindful #mindbalance #mindforbettermentalhealth #mindbodyspirit

Direct download: Mind_body_soul.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06am UTC

Do you use the steps in the creative process to manifest what you need?

Find out more about my audio/video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8

#creation #creativity #creationmeaning #creativeprocess #planyourfuture #thecreativebrain #creativemind #creativepeople #creativeintelligence #typesofcreativity #myfutureplans #creativegenius #thecreativeprocess #creative life #creativeimagination #beingcreative #creativebrain #creativityis #procreation #creativeflow #creativepersonality #theoriesofcreativity #acreation

Direct download: What_is_the_creative_process.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53am UTC

What is locus of control and how does it relate to spirituality?

Find out more about my audio/video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8

#locusofcontrolmeaning #externallocusofcontrol #locusofcontroldefinition #locusofcontrol #internallocusofcontrol #locusofcontrolpsychology #internalandexternallocusofcontrol

Direct download: What_is_locus_of_control.mp3
Category:Emotional Power -- posted at: 10:49am UTC

How do you define infinite energy?

Find out more about my audio/video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8

#solarplexus #peoplesenergy #typesofenergy #infiniteenergy

Direct download: What_is_infinite_energy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:46am UTC

Discover whether you have the gift for precognotion.

Find out more about my audio/video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8

#precognition #precognitionmeaning #trustedtarot #trustedpsychics #psychictoday #psychicpredictionsfor2022 #psychicpredictions2022 #psychicliving #precognitiondefinition #2022psychicpredictions #precognitivedreams #psychicability #psychicworld #psychicdetective #thepsychics #sevensensepsychic #psychicdream #ghostmediums #psychicpredictionsfor2023 #psychicpredictions2023, #2023psychicpredictions

Direct download: What_is_precognition.mp3
Category:Emotional Power -- posted at: 10:44am UTC

Discover whether you are an empath.

Find out more about my audio/video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8
#empath #empathymeaning #empathsmeaning #empathyexamples #meaningofempathetic #beinganempath #empatheticperson #typesofempathy #intuitiveempath #emotionalempathy #typesofempaths #empathydef #anempath #superempath #whatsempathy #famousempaths #empathi #empathyis #personwithnoempathyiscalled #narcissistempath

Direct download: What_is_an_empath.__An_unpopular_view..mp3
Category:Emotional Power -- posted at: 10:40am UTC

What is consciousness really?  Are you conscious?

Find out more about my video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8

#whoamI #Iam #whoyousayIam #iknowwhoIam #IamwhoyousayIam #doyouknowwhoIam #whodoyousaythatIam #whoamItoyou #whoamIthatyouaremindfulofme #IdontknowwhoIam #don’tknowwhoIam #whoIamquestions #meaningofwhoamI #whoamIam #conscious #selfconscious #consciousmeaning #selfconsciousmeaning #collectiveconsciousness #consciousmind #Iamconscious

Direct download: Is_consciousness_an_illusion.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:36am UTC

⁣Discover why you feel lost or afraid, and what actions you can take to become content.

Find out more about my video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8

#feelinglost #fear #fearmeaning #fearofbeingalone #fearoftheunknown #newlife #negativethoughts #badthoughts #automaticnegativethoughts #howtogetridoffear #allihavearenegativethoughts #negativethoughtsexamples #negativeautomaticthoughts #howtoovercomefearoffailure #reframingthoughts #exercisestostopnegativethinking #challengingnegativethoughts #facefear #negativethoughtsandanxiety #howtodealfear #reframingnegativethoughts

Direct download: Do_you_feel_lost_or_afraid.mp3
Category:Emotional Power -- posted at: 10:29am UTC

Discover what self-awareness means and what it is not. Learn how you can improve your self-awareness.

Find out more about my video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8

#selfawarenessmeaning #selfawarenesscomesfrom #whatdoesselfawarenessmean #activitiesforselfawareness #whatdoesselfawarenessmean #synonymsforselfawareness #selfawarenessdef #selfawarenessdefine #selfawarenessdefined #whatdoesselfawarenessmean #selfawarenesscomesfrom #selfawarenessasaleader #selfawarenessmean #selfawarenessforleaders #selfawarenessleader

Direct download: What_is_self_Awareness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:52am UTC

Discover what grounding means and how you can use it.

Find out more about my audio/video course "Following a spiritual path: Recovering from religion vol 1” and get a free PDF summary at this link: https://bit.ly/32zQ6Q8


Direct download: What_is_grounding.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:43am UTC